Tuesday, August 30, 2016


A new chapter has opened in our lives. Levi has headed off to preschool! Today was his official first day but we had some days last week where we went to experience preschool. We had a conference time with just his teacher, classroom aid and Mom. He then had a half day preview of preschool with Mom there. But today marked the day of being on his own and staying at school for the whole day without Mom. He was so excited! He is ready to be at school like his older brothers. He did well being left and Mom kept the tears at bay until the car and once home. We had his special breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips, to start his day. And he took his lunch in his new Star Wars lunchbox. This will be a very long day until 3 and I can get him and see how he really did. We like his teacher and are excited for him and this new adventure of growing up.
Levi and his teacher, Miss G.
He gets his own locker to put his backpack and stuff in.
Half day preview and playing with toys.
 Reading books and watching songs on the smartboard.
 Mom and Levi experiencing preschool
 First day!
 First day right before I left him. Getting ready to draw a picture of himself on his first day of school.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


And they are off! Micah and Ethan started school today and Levi will start next week. This is a new adventure for this Mommy. What is going to fill my time when they are all in school?  

Sunday, August 14, 2016


We were finally able to take a weekend and go camping as a family. We headed to Okaboji and Gull Point State Park. It was perfect weather and a wonderful weekend get away. We spent our time hanging out at the campsite, playing on the toys, geocaching, playing at the beach but the big fun was renting a pontoon boat for a few hours and enjoying being out on the lake. Next time we hope to be able to get a speed boat and do a little tubing. We have gotten the boat bug and all want to go again soon. It was a great weekend. We all had fun but it is also good to come home and recover as well. School will be starting in a week and a half and we were glad to get some more summer fun in before it comes to an end.
 Enjoying dinner and the deer who came running through our campsite. They are in the distance in the middle.
 The boys slept in Ethan's tent and had so much fun. Dad and Mom enjoyed the big tent all to themselves.
 Enjoying a roaring campfire.
A little boat fun. Micah and Levi enjoying sitting up from when we were moving.

 Levi chilling after a short swim off the boat.