Friday, November 20, 2009

More bathroom

We are nearing completion! Dave got the grout on last weekend. We have the big wall left to cheesecloth off, hopefully tonight, and then we'll seal the grout. Dave is hoping to get the faucet installed and the caulk done over the weekend. We may actually get to take a shower upstairs on Monday - YEA! And when all the dirty work is done and cleaned up I can hang the new shower curtain to see if I'm going to like it or not. Very cool!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bathroom tile

Dave finished the bathroom tile today!! It looks great! We'll hopefully get the grouting done next weekend. It is great to see this project nearing the end. Now we can start other home projects. They seem to never end but it is fun.

Sitting up

Micah is learning to sit up on his own. He really likes it and is doing great at holding his balance without falling over although he does fall some. We have also started giving him some milk in a sippy cup and he is learning that good as well. He is growing up so fast!