Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin carving

The Carlson house was a pumpkin carving zone last night. We weren't quite sure we were going to get Ethan to do it but we did and he had a blast. Thank you Nana Pam for growing such a cool pumpkin for us to carve!

The two great pumpkin carvers and their great pumpkin.

Ethan kept asking what was inside so when he saw inside he thought it was pretty cool.

He wasn't too sure about touching it but once in he had fun scooping.
Micah even got in on the fun a little. The pumpkin is so big we decided to put Micah inside it!

Ethan and his pumpkin. He thinks it is pretty cool.

Mommy's big helper

Ethan loves to help unload the dishwasher. I was doing it the other day and he came running into the kitchen yelling, "I do it!" Now if only that will stick around for many years to come. =)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bathroom tile

Progress...finally! We have two out of three shower walls done with tile. Dave and his Dad put in a good weekend of work and it looks awesome! The plan is to finish tile next weekend and then grout and we are done!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eating cereal

Our baby is now 5 months old! Where does the time go? We decided to give Micah his first taste of cereal on his 5 month birthday. He did very well with it. I think most of it went in and he seemed to like it. I was impressed with how well he did. We'll keep trying and before we know it he'll be eating us out of house and home. =) He also has two teeth to eat with. He is just like Ethan and popped teeth in at about 4 months. We'll see how long Mommy can hold out with nursing him.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Toys

We have a few new toys at our house. These are Daddy and Mommy toys but Ethan has been enjoying them a little too. They have been a long time coming and we finally got the chance to purchase them; TV, surround sound, BlueRay DVD player and the bonus was a Wii.

Ethan getting a little help from Daddy before playing.Playing tennis. Ethan has a ways to go yet on learning what to do but we figure it won't take too long. =)

Micah has graduated to the exersaucer and loves it. Ethan likes to give him toys then take them away and also spin him to look at Mommy or just a different direction. They are getting to be best buds already.