Monday, April 25, 2011


The three boys having some fun. Their new way of getting around because you can't give one a ride without the other wanting one too. I love little boy laughter ringing through the house!


One day last week, well most of the days last week, brought us clouds and rain. I had two little boys who had cabin fever and really wanted to go outside to play. So, even though it was raining and maybe 40 degrees they downed coats, hats and gloves and went outside to ride their bikes and splash in puddles. They had a blast!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

lowercase alphabet

We have completed the lowercase alphabet. Ethan has had fun the past 26 weeks making a new letter each week. Can you figure them all out? There is also a number train on the bottom that he had fun putting together.

Monday, April 11, 2011

rocks and sticks

We headed out on Saturday for a little family adventure. The sky was overcast and some rain was coming down but we braved it and were glad we did. It was a little windy and cool but it was great fresh air. Dave wanted to check out the James River to see how high it was and get an idea of what it will be like in a month when he goes on his canoe trip.

Look at my rock, Mom! Give boys some rocks, sticks and water and they are happy.

Love this little smile!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring has sprung

It is a beautiful day outside today so we went out to enjoy it. After a bike ride around the block we can back home for some backyard play and also a picnic lunch. Our Spring flowers are also starting to make their appearance and are such a welcomed site after winter and snow.