Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We celebrated our family Christmas tonight. What a fun evening home as a family of 4. It was fun seeing the excitement on the faces of our boys, even though Micah didn't really know what was going on he was excited because Ethan was. =)

Daddy and Micah reading the Christmas story.
Ethan acting out the story as Daddy read it.

The gifts!

Micah and Ethan playing with Micah's car ramp.

The three boys and their swords!
Mommy and Daddy and their gift which comes in February!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas program

Tonight was our church Christmas program. The preschool sunday school classes started it by singing three songs. Ethan has had fun practicing these for the past few weeks and he did a wonderful job.

All dressed up and ready to go. Daddy said he looked spiffy!
Ready for the show to begin.
Mommy and her two boys!

Singing Silent Night.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow day

Today was a wonderful day to stay at home and just relax. It was very cold, snowy and windy outside so we stayed home and stayed warm. We built a fire, watched cartoons, played the Wii and just enjoyed being together as a family.

Two boys and their horse.
And the yummy part of a snow day....caramel rolls!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow fun

It was nice enough this afternoon to get out after nap for some fresh air. We have some snow and Ethan has been wanting to go out and play but it has been too cold. Both had a blast being pulled around in the sled and weren't too sure about sharing and having to wait their turn. Guess we need to buy a bigger sled so both can ride. We came in with red noses and it probably wasn't the best thing for all of our colds but it was fun and we needed to get out!

Monday, November 29, 2010


We did thankful leaves this year. For the week leading up to Thanksgiving Ethan got a leaf each day to put something he was thankful for. After a few days he was getting up each morning wanting his leaf and telling me what to write on it. Our string kept falling down so next year Mommy wants to find a tree but I think this will be a tradition we carry on through the years. It was neat to hear the things he was thankful for.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here is our little Cubby Bear! Ethan is involved in AWANA this year attending Cubbies and is loving it so much. His vest is his pride and joy and even more so now that Mommy got help sewing his award patches on, thank you Great-Nana Daum! He loves going each week and is doing very well with saying his weekly verse and reviewing the old ones. Wednesday night is family church night with Daddy and Ethan involved with AWANA and Micah and Mommy helping in the nursery. We are so blessed to be a part of such an awesome church!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


We headed out for some trick-or-treating fun tonight. This is the first time we have taken the boys out and we all had lots of fun. The weather was beautiful and it was a nice evening to be out walking around. We came home with lots of candy. We sorted out the peanut candy for Dad and Mom and now we all have candy to enjoy for the next few days.

Our little construction worker.

Thomas the train.
Our first house. Thanks for the cookies Josh and Sara!

Sorting out the loot and enjoying a few pieces.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Monster

It was pumpkin carving day in the Carlson house today. First of all we rolled The Monster up the stairs so we could begin our handywork. Thank you Nana for growing us such a nice pumpkin to carve! Micah wasn't really into it too much, he had more fun playing toys, but Ethan had fun cleaning it out and helping Daddy carve it. Micah helped Mommy a little bit with his pumpkin.

Getting The Monster up the stairs.
Getting all the guts cleaned out. Ethan loved doing it but not Micah.
Ethan and his finished pumpkin. He then wanted to draw on it with the black crayon to make it more pretty.

Micah helping Mommy a little bit with his pumpkin.

Micah's finished pumpkin with a lot of help from Mommy. =)

And then it was time for a little wrestle time with Daddy before he had to leave for work.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We headed to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard today. It was a perfect fall morning for a hayride and picking out a pumpkin. We met a big group of friends and had a nice morning, thanks Sara for setting it up.
Ethan all ready for the hayride.

Ethan picked out this pumpkin.
Getting them both to look at the camera was impossible!

Our little pumpkin and apple. =)


We were getting ready for Bible Study on Wednesday morning and as I was running around the house getting things put together I called to the boys that it was time to go. Ethan replied with, "I'm reading to Micah and we need to finish our book." I went into Micah's room and this is what I saw. What a cool brother moment!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The boys and Mommy headed to Murdo over Labor Day weekend while Daddy was backpacking in the Tetons (his pictures to follow). We enjoyed almost a week with Papa and Nana. The weather was beautiful so we were able to enjoy being outside, which the boys loved. Thank you Papa and Nana for letting us come visit you!

Papa and his boys on the 4-wheeler. What a great entertainment this was. Micah was hard to get off when the ride was all done. He also learned very fast what you have to do to start it.

Storytime with Nana.

Micah and Nana picking beans. He was a great little helper.

Ethan and his pumpkin. We look forward to carving it on Halloween.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Backyard fun

We have had a busy few weeks in the Carlson house and pictures of our fun times away are coming, I promise, so until then here is a picture from this afternoon of some backyard fun.

Monday, August 30, 2010


We had a family camping adventure this past weekend. The weather was perfect and we all had a wonderful time. It was Micah's first time and he did really well. Both the boys love being outside and love being boys.

Helping get the tent poles ready.

Playing in the dirt, throwing rocks and playing with sticks. This entertained them a long time and allowed us to get the tent set up.

Climbing trees!

Roasting marshmallows. Micah doesn't like them but he has to do everything we do and he had a blast roasting them.

Morning hiking adventure.

Two cute boys.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

15 Months!

Micah went in this last week for his 15 month appointment. He did great with the two shots, only crying when he got them and stopping as soon as Mommy picked him up. We have a growing boy, he is 33 inches and weighs 26 lbs. 5 oz. What a joy he is to us!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Riverboat Days

We had a fun weekend at home...Riverboat Days!! Papa and Nana came for the weekend and we were able to get out, even though it was really HOT, and enjoy some of the weekend activities...
Getting ready for the fireworks to start.

Ethan sitting while waiting for candy with his hat.
Ethan getting a pony ride with Papa.
Ethan enjoying the big slide.

and then the maze.

Micah and Ethan riding the train.