Monday, May 27, 2013

Weekend fun

We had a fun and busy Memorial Day weekend. It was fun knowing that we would have an extra day with Daddy as he had the holiday off from work. We started the weekend with a little soccer at the park and out for lunch and ice cream. On Sunday afternoon we did some yard work and then headed to the fair that was in town. It was the first time for the boys and they had fun riding the rides. Levi got to hang out in his stroller but he had fun watching all the action going on around him. Monday was a nice relaxing morning at home and then a little shopping so Daddy could fix the sprinkler system and water the new grass that was planted. Lots of sun, fresh air and family time! Now we get to go back to what we call normal routine with Daddy back to work and us enjoying summer break.

 Micah is in the blue truck and Ethan is in the red car behind.

 Daddy and Ethan
Mommy and Micah

Marble track

One pool noodle turned marble race track. Two boys entertained for hours!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Micah's Birthday

We got to celebrate our Micah man this past week. It is so hard to believe that he is 4 already, where oh where does the time go? The boys and Mommy were in Murdo over the weekend so we had a birthday party and cake while we were there. We then had birthday pancakes and went out to McDonalds on his birthday. He had a fun day and enjoyed opening all his presents. Thanks to all who made his day special.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Mommy was treated quite well for Mother's Day. The boys bought and potted a gerbera daisy for my outdoor table. They were so excited about it and couldn't hardly wait till this morning to give it to me. After church, a yummy lunch and an afternoon nap we headed out for some family adventure. It was a wonderful and relaxing day and there is one Mommy who is very blessed!

A special gift Ethan made at school.
 Ethan and Dad on the go carts
 Micah and Dad on the go carts
 Micah, Mommy and Levi
 Levi and Mommy by the lake
Throwing rocks

MVCA Spring program

Ethan had his Spring program at school this past week. His class quoted Psalm 100 and then together with the 1 and 2 grade they had a small program. He also received an award for a Math contest he did at school. We are so proud of our son and can't believe he has completed a whole year of school already.

 Ethan is on the left, second row.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Just a few pictures of our growing youngest boy.

 Someone really LOVES chocolate chip cookies!!
Filling Daddy's sweatshirt!

AWANA awards night

Wednesday night was the last night of AWANA for the year. Micah got a special Cubbie Bear award for completing his first year and his Cubbie book. He was so excited! Ethan also completed his book and about half of a review book. The boys both worked hard this year and we are so proud of both of them. It is awesome to see them excited about hiding God's Word in their hearts!