Friday, July 20, 2012

Black Hills

We headed to the Black Hills last weekend to camp with some Intervarsity friends from college. Ethan had also learned about Mt. Rushmore at school and really wanted to go and what is a trip to the Black Hills without it. It was a little warm but we enjoyed our time. It was Levi's first camping trip and he did very well. It was great to catch up with friends and enjoy being in the Hills that we love so much and miss.

 Micah and his new friend, Matthew.
The camping crew...Sheldons, Flanegans, Belchers, Demarests and Carlsons.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


We headed to Rochester for a week over the 4th of July. It was great to all be home and enjoy a week together. The weather was in the high 90's so the new pool got many hours of use. Ethan and Micah were little fish and really enjoyed it. Levi even got a little pool time in. We also got to meet our nephew and cousin, Aidan.

 Cousins...Aidan and Levi
 3 boys...3 IPads
 We braved the heat and went to the zoo.
Levi loved the zoo!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Carlson Generations

We were able to intoduce Levi to Great Grandpa and Grandma at a family reunion in Red Wing this past week. We are so blessed to have Godly generations!