Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful Tree

We had fun once again during the month of November with our Thankful tree. Each day we got a new leaf and wrote what we were thankful for and then hung it on our tree. Even Levi "wrote" what he was thankful for. The boys loved doing it and reminded us if we forgot. It is neat to see a thankful heart!


I found a cute cookie project for the boys to do. We had fun making these turkey cookies and then they took them to school to share with their classmates. Fun but very sweet cookies.  

Friday, November 21, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

Mommy had a birthday! She tries to give it away each year to the boys but they always say that isn't possible.  An overnight shopping trip to Sioux Falls was what she got for her birthday and then came home to flowers and a balloon. A very blessed Mommy. Love those boys!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pumpkins and costumes...

We had a fun time on Friday with Daddy being home. He worked long hours in Iowa last week so took Friday off! The older boys had school but right after school we dug into our pumpkins for some fun carving. Each boy picked what he wanted his pumpkin to look like and Daddy did the carving. We then suited up with warm clothes and then costumes and headed out in the cold evening to ring a few doorbells and collect some candy. We made a pretty good haul and the boys had a ton of fun.

 Ethan, Micah and Levi's pumpkins
Black Ninja, Woody (it was cold so he is wearing a mask to stay warm) and Lightening Mcqueen