Monday, October 26, 2015

Apple Orchard

Fall means apple orchard time! I was able to get a few photos before the camera batteries died, next time I'll make sure the batteries are charged. Anyways...on Saturday we headed to Fairmont for the apple orchard. We went with some families from our church. There were many activites and fun things to do. It was a little cool and windy but still a nice afternoon to be out. 

 Micah and the bounce house.
 Ethan and the big slide.
 How big is Levi?

 This was the hit, literally! An apple sling. The boys loved it. Nobody managed to hit the sign to get a free pumpkin but they had fun with it anyway.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Levi's big boy bed

Big boys all around in our house now. Levi has a twin sized mattress...aka big boy bed! We went last week and it was ordered and today we went and picked it up. We also went and bought new bedding and of course...Star Wars was the hit! He loves it. Daddy is working on the plan to build the frame but he can still enjoy this for now. He is also potty trained and doing really well. No more diapers, crib bed mattresses or sippy cups. We have moved onto the next big boy stage. Bittersweet!