Sunday, May 22, 2016

7 year old!

We had a birthday at our house. Our Micah is now 7 years old. We started his day with birthday pancakes and bacon. He picked veggie beef soup for dinner and we had brownies. He enjoyed his day and is enjoying the gifts he got. What a special boy he is and we love him so much.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Levi is old enough to visit the dentist. He wasn't too sure to begin with but he was a trooper and did an awesome job. All his teeth are in and he had a good report. He got a new toothbrush which is green and he kept saying he can't wait until bed tonight so he can use it. Mommy told him if he was a good boy we would go to Dairy Queen for lunch, so off we'll go later for lunch.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Track and field day

85 degrees and a little wind but a great day to be outside. Ethan and Micah had track and field day today for school. Levi and Mommy went to cheer them on. Both boys did a good job in the events and both had a good time. I wasn't able to be in more then one place at a time but managed to snag a few photos of their events. Ribbons and placement for the events will come at the end of school. We were all very tired, a little sunkissed and out of water by the end but it was a good day. Home we came and recovered a bit inside but then all three were more then ready to hit the backyard and some water fun. Let's also say we had three boys crash at bedtime and this Mommy is ready to hit the hay as well. 
 Ethan in the middle in the blue shirt.
 Micah on the end with the hat and bright yellow socks.
 Micah and the long jump.
 Ethan doing hurdles.
Cool down time in the backyard.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Spring planting

Last weekend brought a nice dry day so off to the garden we went. We decided this year to get a garden plot in the community garden and grow ourselves a little bit of fresh goodness. Each boy picked something they wanted in the garden and we were able to get the seeds in. We are going to be putting more in but now need it to dry out a bit after our week of rain. So far we have onions, beans, peas, carrots and potatoes. We are planning on tomatoes, peppers and zucchini yet. The boys are excited about it and hopefully enjoy the summer of weeding, watering and harvesting!