Friday, December 16, 2016

Capitol Christmas trees

We made a trip to Pierre over Thanksgiving to see the Christmas trees on display in the state capitol. The big tree is celebrating 75 years since Mt. Rushmore was complete.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall day adventure

A beautiful fall day took us outside for a family adventure. We packed a picnic lunch and headed to Algona to the state park. We played a little Frisbee golf, enjoyed our lunch and did some hiking. The boys found an old shoe and had fun floating it down the little creek we hiked by. They were in their element! Give them sticks, water and let their imagination take over. We all had a wonderful day and enjoyed God's beautiful creation of fall. Crunching through leaves is a favorite fall activity and we got that for sure. More things checked off our fall bucket list.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Levi's bunk bed!

After many months of hard work from Daddy and Mommy this little boy finally has a big boy bunk bed. It was finished this last week and Friday night we put it together. He LOVES it! All the boys do. They think the space underneath is cool for a fort. Projects are fun but we are glad this one is done and all are happy with it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chipped tooth

Ethan was running on the playground at school came around the corner and hit some gravel and down he went. Front tooth connected with the sidewalk and the sidewalk won. He had a small scrape on his knee as well but nothing else major. The dentist isn't in on Tuesday so we just had an x-ray done and made an 8:00am appointment. Thankfully he didn't get to the nerve and it didn't hurt. Thank you to modern dentistry his tooth is now back to looking full again. He will have to be careful biting into things but it looks like new again.  

Clay county fair

The fair came to town! We headed to Spencer on Saturday for the Clay county fair. The temperature was very nice with partly cloudy skies and fun was had by all. We have some ride time, exhibit building time, animal time and of course the yummy fair food.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


A new chapter has opened in our lives. Levi has headed off to preschool! Today was his official first day but we had some days last week where we went to experience preschool. We had a conference time with just his teacher, classroom aid and Mom. He then had a half day preview of preschool with Mom there. But today marked the day of being on his own and staying at school for the whole day without Mom. He was so excited! He is ready to be at school like his older brothers. He did well being left and Mom kept the tears at bay until the car and once home. We had his special breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips, to start his day. And he took his lunch in his new Star Wars lunchbox. This will be a very long day until 3 and I can get him and see how he really did. We like his teacher and are excited for him and this new adventure of growing up.
Levi and his teacher, Miss G.
He gets his own locker to put his backpack and stuff in.
Half day preview and playing with toys.
 Reading books and watching songs on the smartboard.
 Mom and Levi experiencing preschool
 First day!
 First day right before I left him. Getting ready to draw a picture of himself on his first day of school.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


And they are off! Micah and Ethan started school today and Levi will start next week. This is a new adventure for this Mommy. What is going to fill my time when they are all in school?  

Sunday, August 14, 2016


We were finally able to take a weekend and go camping as a family. We headed to Okaboji and Gull Point State Park. It was perfect weather and a wonderful weekend get away. We spent our time hanging out at the campsite, playing on the toys, geocaching, playing at the beach but the big fun was renting a pontoon boat for a few hours and enjoying being out on the lake. Next time we hope to be able to get a speed boat and do a little tubing. We have gotten the boat bug and all want to go again soon. It was a great weekend. We all had fun but it is also good to come home and recover as well. School will be starting in a week and a half and we were glad to get some more summer fun in before it comes to an end.
 Enjoying dinner and the deer who came running through our campsite. They are in the distance in the middle.
 The boys slept in Ethan's tent and had so much fun. Dad and Mom enjoyed the big tent all to themselves.
 Enjoying a roaring campfire.
A little boat fun. Micah and Levi enjoying sitting up from when we were moving.

 Levi chilling after a short swim off the boat.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


We ventured out on a hot Saturday to Sioux Falls to enjoy the airshow. Dave got VIP tickets through work so we got spoiled and got to sit under a tent and have food! We left home in the rain and drove out of it just after arriving in SD. After parking and busing to the airport the skies had cleared and it turned out to be a beautiful clear day. The sun was hot so the tent was nice for shade. We enjoyed walking around and looking at the planes, watching them fly and then playing on some inflatable toys. A lot of water was consumed and we were tired and hot but all had a fun time. The air conditioned car and ice water was a nice welcome at the end.
Riding the bus from the car to the airport.

 Blue Angels lined up and ready to fly.
Blue Angels

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


What a fun week long vacation we have had. We kind of had three different parts to it. We started out in the Black Hills with the Daum family staying at a cabin and doing the tourist thing in the Black Hills for 3 days. Dave then took Ethan and Micah backpacking in the Black Hills for two days while Levi and Cherry went home with her folks to wait for them to come through and pick them up. We then headed for Ft. Randall Dam and a bucketlist item for Dave with a kayak trip down the Missouri River. He started below the dam at Ft. Randall and kayaked to Springfield (50 miles). It took him about 10.5 hours and we were at the end to pick him up. While we waited we headed to Yankton for the day to visit friends and catch up on life there. It was all fun and hard to come home but good to be back as well. 
 We can't make a trip to the Black Hills and not stop at our favorite restaurant. We were able to enjoy it twice with dinner one night and lunch another day. Yummy!
 Hiking Harney Peak
 We made it to the top!
 Everyone made it on their own power except this little one but out of 7 miles up and down he only had to be carried 1/2 mile at the most. His energy and stamina surprised us and we are proud of all our boys. Levi even fell and got a good skinned elbow and then his leg met up with a tree branch. Battle scars but what a trooper!
 We rode the 1880 Train from Hill City to Keystone and back.

 A little mini golf in Keystone.
 Eagles Loft was the name of the cabin we stayed in.

 Levi at Papa and Nana's house with his favorite dog, Bush.
 Dave, Micah and Ethan beginning their backpacking adventure.


 Off he goes. Start was at 7am so it was a very early morning.
 Out there somewhere is Dave. I think he said about 70 signed up to do the race. We don't have final results in yet for time and placement but he was within the last 5 or so in. He made it though and he enjoyed his time. Sunburned and sore but happy to finish.
 And the last stop before home. Blue Bunny in La Mars for a yummy treat!