Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Yes, this little man who is only 5 months old has two teeth. It was rather hard getting a good picture so this is as good as it gets. He has been a really good little teether, just like the other two boys. We are waiting on more as he doesn't seem to be done with all he is chewing and putting in his mouth. All our boys have been early teethers and maybe that is why Ethan is also losing his teeth early as well.

First haircut

Levi got this first haircut last night. We've been talking about doing it as one side was growing more then the other and looking really long. He did great. We did it with the clippers and it didn't seem to bother him at all. He looks so much more grown up now. Why do haircuts always grow them up so much? Levi got his first haircut a lot younger then the other two; Ethan was over a year and Micah was almost 9 months. The only requirement Mommy has is that she needs enough for a baby curl and there was more then enough. Below are before and after shots.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Our Ethan is officially off to his first day of Kindergarten. He was so excited when he got up. He picked a special breakfast and we packed a special lunch and off he went. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to send him to Missouri Valley Christian Academy. His teacher this year is Mrs. Frederick. I'm sure he'll have many stories to share about his first day when he gets home. Now for a day of just Mommy and two boys at home. That will be an adjustment.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

5 months

This little man is already 5 months old! Where does the time go? He is a very happy and smiley little man and such a joy in our lives. In the past month he has learned to roll over to his tummy but hasn't figured out how to get back to his back yet. He has found his toes and loves playing with them. He loves his big brothers but Ethan is a favorite. He loves to stand up and play in his exersaucer. He will smile at almost anyone and has a very fun laugh. Such a joy children are!

Another tooth

Ethan has lost another tooth. Now he has a nice gap up front. The bottom two are almost in so that helps but he is a little bare on top now. He lost one top front at Papa and Nana's awhile ago and this past weekend he lost the other top front at Grandpa and Grandma's house. No corn on the cob for this boy this year.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Last weekend brought a nice cloudy day to travel to Sioux Falls to see the airshow. POET was a sponsor so we got VIP tickets and were able to be up front and also under a tent. It was a great day with many cool planes flying. The boys enjoyed it but did get a little tired near the end. The Blue Angels flew last so we kept telling them they had to hang in there to see the Blue Angels. It was a fun day and we are excited about next year.

 POET planes
 Blue Angels
 Micah has earplugs and we gave some to Levi when the Blue Angels were flying.

 Blue Angels
Blue Angels