Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas in the Toy Shop

And yet another Christmas program. Our church kids put on a play called Christmas in the Toy Shop. Ethan got picked to be a toy solider and even had three lines to learn and say. Dad and Mom had the challenge of coming up with a costume for him and Dad did a wonderful job coming up with it. Micah was just a toy so needed to dress up and he picked his Halloween costume and was Woody. Levi was even going to be involved with singing two songs as a teddy bear but backed out in the end. We figured he is only two so why push him. The boys did great and it was a wonderful program. And now I think we are done with programs for the year.

School Christmas program

Another year...another program and this year we had two in a school program. Ethan was a donkey and Micah was a camel. It was a very cute program telling about Christ's birth with a nursery rhyme twist. We love MVCA and what our boys are able to learn!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New things at the Carlson house....

We have a few new things at the Carlson house, new paint on the walls of the bedroom and a new car. We still need to hang things on the walls but the hard work of painting is done. Dave spent all day yesterday in Sioux Falls car shopping and brought this new red one home. We stayed up late to welcome him home and all went for a drive. It feels so fancy. We all approve and are thankful for a new more reliable car.