Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chipped tooth

Ethan was running on the playground at school came around the corner and hit some gravel and down he went. Front tooth connected with the sidewalk and the sidewalk won. He had a small scrape on his knee as well but nothing else major. The dentist isn't in on Tuesday so we just had an x-ray done and made an 8:00am appointment. Thankfully he didn't get to the nerve and it didn't hurt. Thank you to modern dentistry his tooth is now back to looking full again. He will have to be careful biting into things but it looks like new again.  

Clay county fair

The fair came to town! We headed to Spencer on Saturday for the Clay county fair. The temperature was very nice with partly cloudy skies and fun was had by all. We have some ride time, exhibit building time, animal time and of course the yummy fair food.