Friday, May 30, 2014


Dave and Ethan headed to the Black Hills last weekend for an oldest son/father backpacking trip. They met up with Dave's college roommate, Keith and his son Isaac. Rain and hail hit them on Sunday but they were able to find shelter under a rock ledge. They came home tired and Ethan has many scrapes but they had a fun time and I think are ready to do it again.

 Digging for buried treasure!

 Finding shelter from the rain.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Micah's Birthday

Micah is 5! Where does the time go? This little boy is such a joy and loved so very much. We started the day with birthday pancakes and candles. He picked M for his pancake shape. After Daddy got home from work he finally got to open his presents. We headed to Wendy's for dinner and then home to break his football pinata, play with the presents, and eat the brownie football field. He had a very special day.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

It was a wonderful Mother's Day. All the boys took good care of this Mommy.
 The three little people that call me Mommy!
Gifts from my boys. They planted a Gerbera daisy for me to put on the deck outside and both Ethan and Micah made something special at school.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Jr. Kindergarten graduation

And we have a Kindergartener! Micah had his Jr. K graduation last night. It is so hard to believe that he is done and ready to move on. It was a fun night and we are so proud of our little man!
 Receiving his diploma from his teacher, Mrs. Palsma.

 The future Kindergarten class at MVCA. Micah with his friends, Treyson and Easton.

AWANA awards

We had our last night of AWANA this week. Micah has now completed two years of Cubbies and is ready to move into Sparks. He received a ribbon for completing his book this year. His name was also drawn for having worn his vest and bringing his book each week and he got to pick out a candy bar. Ethan completed his book and received a ribbon. He also completed a second book this year and received a wing runner pin. We are so proud of our boys and their eager involvement in AWANA each week. They have done amazing with memorizing their verses. Levi is eager to join them....but first I think he needs to learn to talk. =)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kayak and park fun

The weather was finally nice this weekend to get out for some family adventure. Dave took the new kayak out for a good run and the boys and Mommy enjoyed some time at the park waiting for him to come back in. He said it has much better speed and glides more in the water then his old one. I do believe he thinks it is a keeper. =) We enjoyed the toys at the park and then home via HyVee for some yummy pizza and donuts to end our adventure.