Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ethan's school Christmas program

Ethan had his school Christmas program last week. Each class had some memorization they presented. Ethan's class quoted the books of the Bible. The whole school then put on a program that presented the Christmas story very well. They all did a wonderful job!
 Ethan's class. He is on the far left.
He was on angel for the program. Front row third from left.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New car no more

Dave had an adventure today on his way to work. He fishtailed on icy roads, hit the ditch, and ran into a patch of trees. Needless to say....the tree won. Dave walked away without a scratch though and for that we are SO thankful. Our God is an awesome God! The new truck is totaled but it is replaceable and a life isn't. Counting our blessings today and also back into searching for a new car.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thankful tree

Each day in November, that we were together as a family for dinner, we shared what we were thankful for and hung a leaf on our Thankful Tree. Each leaf had a Bible verse on one side and Ethan got to read that each night. We each shared one thing we were thankful for and then hung our leaf. Levi got into it and each night after getting put in his high chair always pointed to the tree and was ready to go. We miss the tree now that we are onto Christmas but have reminded the boys that we don't just have to be thankful in November, we always need to be thankful. Thank you God for our wonderful family....Love our boys!