Monday, July 22, 2013

Tough Mudder

Dave and 5 other guys from our church participated in a Tough Mudder this past weekend. Nobody had ever done one so we didn't know quite what we were heading into but a fun time was had by all and they are already talking about the one next year! It is a competition that is about 12 miles long and this one had 19 different obstacles. The spectators weren't able to see all the obstacles but we got pictures of the ones we could. 
 Getting pumped and ready to go.
Cage crawl (using the cage overhead to help get through the water)
Electric eel (muddy water with hot electric wires hanging down)
Berlin wall
 Can't remember the name but a 15 ft. jump into water.
 An official Tough Mudder!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Family adventure

Sunday afternoon brought about another Carlson family adventure. The sky was cloudy but out we headed anyways. Daddy took us driving and he likes to find random roads to get us to where we are going. dirt roads...mud! We didn't get stuck, thankfully, but almost. We found the river and threw some rocks, ran back to the van because it started to rain, drove and found a different river spot, ran back to the van because of rain and drove more. We ended our adventure with out eat at Chinese and then home to bed. It was an adventure to beat all but we did have fun.
 We tried this road. Not such a great idea. Glad we make it back out ok.

 Across the river on a cool bridge.
It started out clean...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


We braved the heat last night and went to the circus. What a fun evening out as a family. It was the first time for Micah, Levi and Daddy. We saw tigers, elephants and dogs. We also got to see many performers and the older boys both said the motorcycles in the ball were their favorite.
 All ready for the circus to start.

 Watching the elephant rides. Levi would have climbed in if he could have. Our child who seems to have no fear!