Saturday, June 29, 2013


This was the weekend for Daddy and Micah to go camping. They had beautiful weather for a perfect camping trip. They got to play on some playground toys, do a little hiking and also throw sticks in the water. They had a wonderful time!

 A little boy and his walking stick

Monday, June 24, 2013

A quiet boy...

It was a little too quiet the other day. I went in search of Levi and found this. Oh what fun he was having!


Dave and Ethan got to spend one night this past weekend backpacking. Ethan was so excited about it and could hardly wait to go. This is the second time they've been out backpacking instead of just camping. They hiked about 2 1/2 miles before finding a spot to make camp. They got the tent up and dinner cooked just before the big storm hit. Crash....Boom....Bang! Dave said he hasn't ever been in a tent with rain coming that hard before. Ethan fell asleep and was out all night long. They had more rain though the night but by morning it was done so they could hike out. They had so much fun and came home well covered in mud! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

We have a very special Daddy in our house and we were able to celebrate him on Sunday! After a morning at church and grilled pork chops for lunch we headed to Sioux Falls. We spent the afternoon at Dave's Uncle and Aunts place visiting with them, his Grandparents and his parents. They had the canoe out and the older two had a blast going for a ride with Daddy. The little one felt left out but his chance will come one day. We had a wondeful day. It was great to see family and enjoy some extra fun out in the country.
