Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family adventure

We took advantage of our last nice Spring day yesterday and took an outdoor family adventure. A little park play, a little hiking and lots of fresh Spring air. It does a body good!


The weather finally warmed up a little bit this past week to allow us to play outside. We decided it was time to build our first snowman of the year since the snow was finally snowman makeable snow. We had fun building him but he didn't last long as the temps climbed into the 50's laster on in the week.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time with Grandpa and Grandma

Ethan and Micah got to spend a whole week with Grandpa and Grandma while Daddy and Mommy were in Maui. They had a great time and did all kinds of fun things.

Making and frosting cupcake ice cream cones.

Playing trains

Grandma got out suits that Daddy and Uncle Brian wore about 25 years ago. They fit the boys almost perfect. They were practicing for Aunt Deborah's wedding coming up this summer.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


To Maui we went and then we had to come home again. We had a blast. The boys did great and had fun with Grandpa and Grandma. Here is just a brief view of our trip. With over 400 pictures it was a little hard to pick just a handful to put on the blog.

Sunrise ontop of Haleakala creater.
Dave enjoying a fresh coconut

The view from our room looking toward the ocean.

The view from our room looking toward land
In Lahaina at a park looking along the coast

Beach bums!
Dave going snorking near our hotel
The biggest waves we saw. On our drive to Hana.

Our hotel from the beach.


Sunset dinner cruise. Yes, something is missing...the sunset. It was a cloudy night.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


For those of you who need a little cooling off here is a picture of our backyard.


I bought this easle at a garage sale last summer and have been waiting for the perfect day to need something new to do with the boys. Well today, since it was so bitter cold outside, proved to be that perfect day. They both had fun with the paint and also the chalk.

Valentine cookies

We had a snowy and cold day so we stayed home all day. We took advantage of it and did a little baking. This was our last day before Valentine's Day to make cutout cookies and we decided to take them to storytime on Thursday and share with our friends.

My two big helpers...
Micah had a blast with the frosting, mostly eating it.

Ethan had a blast with the sprinkles. We had red sprinkles everywhere but what is cookies making without a little mess. Both boys had fun but I think their favorite part was eating the finished product.